I believe one of the reasons is that certain Christians are just fake. Not being real. Never practice what they preach. Holier than thou. "You have high fever? I'll pray for you." "Your family member pass away? My condolences to you and your family, I'll pray for the dead one." "Your car breakdown? In the middle of the KESAS at night? I'll pray for you."
Thanks but no thanks. What is the point preaching about love, Jesus love you, I love you with the love of God, church welcomes you, but when during trouble times, the only thing that the person receives is an sms saying I'll pray for you? Sometimes we literally treat the lost as a harvest. JUST RAKE THEM IN! And keep in the barn. Keep in the storehouse. When it rots, throw it away. How to keep on staying in a church that is full of fake people? When they leave, the fingers are pointed at them, labeling them "backslider".
Sad to say, that even certain non-believers are better people than Christians themselves. They wait for your food to come before they start eating. They visit you in hospitals , at your side when you are crying, calling tow-trucks when your car breaks down and offer you a ride home, celebrates with you when you are victorious.
However not all Christians are like that. I felt so touched by my US-friends who keeps on emailing me and messaging me asking me to go back there and saying that they miss me. While I was there, they
treated me the best-est and made sure that I always have a happy stomach. They bring me around despite their busy schedules, and a family treated me like one of them. When I was in LA, I met up with a bunch of Malaysians whom I just met for the second time, and they sacrificed their time, spend me meals, bring me around, let me stay with them, and made sure I was ok all the time. I felt being taken care like a 10 year old child but I like it! That shows that they are REAL people, they are FRIENDS not just Brothers or Sisters in Christ.
I really hope that i will never ever be a fake Christian, and i wouldn't want to accidentally be one to. If i happen to act like that do let me know. I love REAL people. And i want to be one too.