Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Random post

.. or should i call it lazy post.

Yeah, exams exams exams. Study study study! Feeling lazy so i decided to post this random post.

I browse through my handphone photo gallery and i found these few pictures.


My favourite noodle stall in Alor Star. Yes. ITS THAT CHEAP! Rm1.50 is big plate, RM1.00 is small plate. and i usually order 2 big plates!

A normal person would order 1 normal plate.. but fat guy like me.. nyahahhaha... i dun care. Really nice... but not that extravagantly nice lar.. but for 1.50 its nice la. Come to Alor Star i bring you there.


Secret Recipe's apple crumble cheese cake. WOo hooo!

On Sunday, i borrowed my car to Laverne cause she need to go a few places and  travel quite abit because she had to work on that day. But then i forgot to take out my house keys and apartment key card so i cant go home. I was so tired as I only slept for 1-1.5 hours the day b4.

As i was in Kelana Jaya after sending members back after cell group, I ended up in tai loong's house playing Guitar Hero on his huge TV and his PS3. woo hoo.. here's the view of the house.



his famous "i would die if i miss one meal" fish


his TV

SCARY RIGHT? hahaha it was only 430 pm but it was raining. so the whole house is dark and i was too exhausted (lazy actually) to go look for switch.

But anyway.. his house is big, TVs are big, fish also big.

anyway, as u have predicted, i am too lazy to continue the post. hahaha dunno how to end also. BYe!

1 comment:

aehknum said...

LAWL! You're so random larrr!